Understanding chown and chmod in Linux with Examples


Linux, like other Unix-based operating systems, places a strong emphasis on file permissions to ensure security and proper access control. Two fundamental commands that help in managing these permissions are chown and chmod.

1. chown: Change File Owner and Group

The chown command is used to change the ownership of a file or directory. Its basic syntax is:

chown [OWNER][:[GROUP]] FILE...


  1. Change the owner of a file:
chown john file.txt

This command changes the owner of file.txt to john.

  1. Change the owner and group of a file:
chown john:users file.txt

This command changes the owner of file.txt to john and the group to users.

  1. Change the owner of a directory and its contents recursively:
chown -R john:users /path/to/directory

This command changes the owner and group of the directory and all its contents to john and users respectively.

2. chmod: Change File Mode Bits

The chmod command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. Permissions in Linux are represented by three groups: owner, group, and others. Each group can have read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions.


  1. Give read, write, and execute permissions to the owner:
chmod u+rwx file.txt

This command gives the owner of file.txt read, write, and execute permissions.

  1. Remove write permission from the group and others:
chmod go-w file.txt

This command removes the write permission for the group and others.

  1. Set permissions using octal notation:
chmod 755 file.txt

This command sets the permissions of file.txt to -rwxr-xr-x. The octal number 755 corresponds to rwx for the owner, r-x for the group, and r-x for others.

  1. Give execute permissions to everyone for a script:
chmod +x script.sh

This command gives execute permissions to the owner, group, and others for script.sh.

  1. Recursively change permissions for directories and their contents:
chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory
  1. This command sets the permissions for the directory and all its contents to 755.

In conclusion, understanding and effectively using chown and chmod is crucial for managing file and directory permissions in Linux. Regularly reviewing and setting appropriate permissions can help in maintaining system security and ensuring that users have the necessary access to resources.